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Call for Papers

Dear Friend,

I am happy to announce that we are coming out with the second issue of our exclusive publication - Journal of Management Perspectives (JMP). JMP will carry articles contributed mainly by the alumni of IMSAR and will also include a few guest articles.

You can contribute original articles to this publication by manuscripts for the following sections:

View Point: This section will present the views, opinions and perspectives of the authors on any topic relevant to the field of management or technology.

Research: This section will focus on the analysis and resolution of management related issues based on application or conceptual findings.

Interview: This section will carry an interview with an individual of eminence. Such individuals may also include social activists, authors, artists and so on. A biographical data of the interviewee should accompany the interview manuscript.

Management Case: This section will describe a real life situation faced or a decision taken by an individual manager or by an organization at the strategic, functional or operational level.

Book Scan: This section will carry reviews of current books on management and technology and may also include biographies, travel guides and so on.

Events: This section will include events of national/international relevance or events attended by our alumni. Please include a photograph of the event.

I request all the alumni to come forward with their contributions and I also invite your suggestions for making this publication a grand success. I am enclosing the guidelines for the submission of manuscripts.

Very sincerely,

Dr. Ajay Rajan
Journal of Management Perspectives

PS: For any technical query kindly get in touch with Mr Amit Mittal, Executive Editor on 9911798860 or
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