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Rules and Regulations of IMSAR Alumni Association (IAA), Rohtak

  1. Introduction:
    IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA) is being established to provide a vibrant forum that promotes interaction and net working among alumni of the Institute of Management Studies & Research, Rohtak -124001 (Haryana-lndia).

  2. Definitions:
    In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. The Society means. "IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA), Rohtak -124001 (Haryana-lndia);
    2. President means the President of IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA), Rohtak - 124001 (Haryana-lndia);
    3. The Vice President means the Vice President of IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA), Rohtak - 124001 (Haryana-lndia);
    4. Secretary means the Secretary of the Governing Body of IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA) Rohtak - 124001 (Haryana-lndia) who shall also be Secretary of the Society;
    5. The Treasurer means the Treasure of IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA), Rohtak -124001 (Haryana-lndia)
    6. Member means a Member admitted as such under these rules.
    7. IMSAR means Institute of Management Studies & Research, Rohtak -124001 (Haryana-lndia).
    8. Institute means Institute of Management Studies & Research,M.D.University Rohtak -124001 (Haryana-lndia).
    9. Director means Director of IMSAR, M.D. University, Rohtak

  3. Name of the Society:
    The name of the Society shall be "IMSAR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (IAA )

  4. Location:
    The registered office of the Society shall be located in the premises of IMSAR, M.D. University, Rohtak - 124001 (HARYANA-INDIA)

  5. Membership:
    Membership of the Society shall be open to:
    1. Who have received degree as a regular student of the Institute, herein referred to as the alumni
    2. Who have been awarded Ph.D. degree as research student of IMSAR, and
    3. Faculty members who have served the Institute for at least one year, and have paid the life membership charge of the Association, shall be the members of the Association.

  6. Membership Subscription, Tenure and Cancellation:
    1. Any person satisfying any clause of Article 5 will be eligible to be a member and shall become a member on the payment of membership fees as prescribed in any kind as specified in clause 6.2.
    2. There shall be the following two types of Membership:
      1. Life Membership: Rs. 5000
      2. Annual Membership Fee: Rs. 500
    3. All the members shall notify their change of address to the Secretary of the Society within one month of such a change.
    4. A member shall lose his/her membership on the following grounds and reasons and the Governing Body shall be empowered to terminate the membership by passing of a resolution to this effect:
      1. On his/her death;
      2. On his/her resigning from the membership of the Society;
      3. He/she who becomes of unsound mind;
      4. He/she has been declared insolvent;
      5. is convicted of a Criminal offence or on account of moral turpitude;
      6. acts in such a manner, directly or indirectly, as to bring disrepute or in contravention of the Aims and Objectives of the Society;
      7. willfully disregards the rules of the Society or indulge in any act of misconduct;
      8. Provided that the member will be given an opportunity to represent his/her case before moving a resolution for termination of membership.
    5. Resignation from membership can be tendered to the Secretary and it shall not take effect until it has been accepted by the Governing Body on behalf of the Society.

  7. Rights of Members:
    1. Each member is entitled to have a copy of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations of the Society and List of members of the Society.
    2. The register of the members, the minutes book and the books of accounts of the Society shall be made available to the members for inspection on written request, free of charges.
    3. Each member shall have right to vote in the Annual General Meeting in case voting is exercised in the meeting.

  8. Powers and Function of the Society:
    1. The Society shall have powers to enroll members, constitute committees, sub-committees and call for periodical meetings to achieve the objectives mentioned in Memorandum of Association.
    2. Further, the Society may organize sports, games, get together and social activities for the benefits of its members and their families.
    3. The Society may also engage itself in such other activities in conformity with the Aims and Objectives as well as Rules and Regulations.
    4. The Management of the Society shall be vested in a Governing Body which shall be consisting of not less 11 and not more than 20 members including President of the Society.
      1. The General Body shall elect from among its members at every alternate years the following office-bearers:
        1. President
        2. Vice President
        3. Secretary
        4. Treasurer
        5. Director or his nominee
        6. Maximum 15 members from the Alumni will be nominated by the President
      2. President, Vice-President, Secretary and the Treasurer will be elected directly in the manner as mentioned above.
      3. The tenure of the Governing Body shall be for two year commencing from end of AGBM of a particular year and the election of the next Governing Body shall be held in such a way that the new committee shall assume office on immediately after the end of annual general meeting.
      4. Any elected member of the Governing Body can resign from the committee by giving three months' notice in writing to this effect.
      5. Any member of the Governing Body can be removed from the committee if:
        1. The General Body expresses its lack of confidence in the member by three - fourths of the members present and voting provided notice to this effect has been given to the members in the agenda for the meeting.
        2. He does not attend three consecutive meetings of the Governing Body without the consent of the Governing Body
      6. In case of vacancy on any reason whatsoever the President may nominate any members to the Governing Body from the members of the society whose term shall expire along with the term of the remaining members of the Governing Body.
      7. The Governing Body shall have full authority on all operational matters of the Association subject to the overall policy guidelines of the General Body.

  9. Powers & Functions of the Governing Body:
    1. The Governing Body will be responsible for running the affairs of the Society for fulfilling its Aims & Objectives stated in Article 4 above and other activities for the benefit of the Society.
    2. The Governing Body shall have the powers to frame Rules & Regulations consistent with the Aims & Objectives of the Society. Such provisional Rules & Regulations shall be placed before the next General Body Meeting for ratification.
    3. The Governing Body may appoint from time to time, such sub committees or special sub committees, partly from among its members and partly from among the members of the Society, as may be required, and shall prescribe the terms of reference, powers and privileges of such sub committees or special sub committees.
    4. The Governing Body shall convene General Body Meeting of all the Members once in every year (hereinafter referred to as 'Annual General Body Meeting(s).
    5. Apart from the Annual General Meeting the Governing Body may convene additional General Body Meeting, if necessary (hereinafter referred to as 'Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting(s)
    6. The Governing Body shall maintain or cause to maintain proper accounts for the financial transactions Of the Society in such form as may be prescribed in consultation with the Society's Auditor.
    7. The Governing Body shall prepare and. lay before the Society at its Annual General Body Meeting every year the annual report and an audited statement of accounts for the past financial year with the report of the Society's Auditor thereon.
    8. The Governing Body will be authorized to accept donations, gifts and bequests for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Society.
    9. No member of the Society shall enter into any dealings on behalf of the Society, until and unless authorized by the Governing Body.

  10. Governing Body Meetings:
    1. The Governing Body shall meet at least once in three months. The meetings of the committee shall be convened by the Secretary after giving a minimum of 10 days notice. Provided that the Governing Body can waive the stipulated notice period if a majority of the members agree to the waiver of such a notice.
    2. The quorum of the Governing Body Meeting shall be three elected members of the committee.
    3. In the event of the office of the President falling vacant, the Vice-President shall assume office of President and shall preside over the meetings of the Governing Body.
    4. The Governing Body may constitute one or more sub-committees to carry out any of the objectives of the Association.

  11. General Body Meeting:
    1. The General Body Meeting of the Association shall be held in a year and the interval between any two successive General Body Meetings shall not exceed fifteen months to transact the following business.
      1. To consider the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts
      2. To appoint Auditor and to fix his remuneration, if any;
      3. To consider any other matter on the agenda.
    2. The General Body Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary on the recommendations of the Governing Body by giving a notice of at least 30 days to the members.
    3. The President or in his absence the Vice President of the Governing Body shall preside over the General Body Meetings.
    4. The proceedings of each General Body Meeting shall be recorded and circulated among all members by the Secretary.
    5. Any accidental delay caused in transit, in respect of receipt of any meeting notice one or more members shall not render the meeting to be void.

  12. Powers and Duties of the Secretary:
    1. The Secretary shall cause minutes to be duly entered in the books provided, in respect of:
      1. All appointment of officers and employees of the society;
      2. The names of the members present at each meeting of the Governing Body and of any sub-committee;
      3. All resolutions passed by the Governing Body
      4. All resolutions and proceedings of the General Body Meeting of the Society
    2. Any such minutes of any meeting of the General Body or Governing Body or any sub-committee will be approved by the chair-person of the meeting and subsequently confirmed in the next succeeding meeting of the corresponding body and shall be construed as prima facie evidence of the matters stated in such minutes.
    3. The Secretary shall carry on all correspondence pertaining to Society and of the Governing Body in accordance with the bye-laws and the resolutions passed under these rules.
    4. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the title deeds, records and other documents pertaining to the Society and shall be in charge of all movable and immovable properties belonging to the Society.
    5. The Secretary shall prepare an Annual Report on the activities of the Society and place it before the Governing Body for its approval.
    6. The Secretary shall, with the assistance of the Treasurer, prepare a Budget of the probable receipts and expenditures for the next year and place the same preferably in the first Governing Body Meeting. Such budget shall continue in force unless and otherwise modified by the Governing Body.
    7. The Secretary shall have power to accept resignation from the members of the staff and to direct their relief from duty, subject to any regulations made in this behalf by the Governing Body.The Secretary shall maintain and submit to the Registrar of Societies all such records, annual or other statements, as specified in the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

  13. Powers and Duties of the Treasurer:
    1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining proper accounts and for discharge of such duties as may from time to time be entrusted to him by the Governing Body.
    2. The Treasurer shall receive all money on behalf of the Governing Body and deposit the same in the name of the Society in the Bank or in any institution approved by the Governing Body.
    3. The Treasurer, jointly with the Secretary or one of the Office Bearers, as decided by the Governing Body, shall have power to draw money from the Bank or Institution, as the case may be, and disburse money to the person concerned according to the resolutions or the Rules & Regulations of the Society.
    4. The Treasurer shall prepare a list of receipts and payments made during each month and submit an abstract of the same to the Secretary at the end of each quarter.
    5. The Treasurer shall prepare the annual accounts of the Society, have them audited by the Auditor duly appointed by the General Body and submit it for approval of the General Body.
    6. Any proposal of amendment shall be circulated along with the notice convening the meeting for the purpose.

  14. Procedure for Election-voting and other Procedures:
    1. All the elected posts of the new Governing Body shall be filled by the elections in the Annual general Body Meetings every alternate year.
    2. All members of the association who are not in arrears of membership fee shall have the right to vote, either in person or in the event of his/her inability to be present physically in the meetings through another ordinary member of the Association specifically authorized to vote on his/her behalf, on any matters concerning the activities of the Association.
    3. Nominations shall be invited, on prescribed formats by the Election Officer in the AGBM of alternate years, by the General Circular to all members.
    4. Every nomination shall be required to be duly proposed and seconded by members of the Association and shall contain a proper consent of the nominee. No member shall be eligible to be reelected to the same post of the Association for more than two consecutive terms.
    5. Results of the voting shall be announced by the Election Officer.
    6. The new Governing Body shall take over the charge of the Association within one month of its election.

  15. Amendments to Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations:
    1. The General Body assembled in any annual or extra-ordinary meeting may, by special resolution, amend the provisions of the Memorandum of Association relating to its aims and objectives or the Rules & Regulations of the Society for the purposes mentioned below:
      1. To carry on the administration of the Society more economically and efficiently or
      2. To attain the aims and objectives by new or improved means
    2. The special resolution shall be deemed to have been passed when not less than two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote in the meeting approve the resolution.
    3. An amendment to the Memorandum of Association or to the Rules & Regulations shall take effect from the date of passing of such special resolution unless otherwise expressly provided for in such resolution.
    4. Any proposal of amendment shall be circulated along with the notice convening the meeting for the purpose

  16. General:
    1. The Society will have perpetual succession.
    2. The Society may sue or be sued in its name and shall be represented by the Secretary.
    3. All documents by and in favour of the Society and all entries in the Govt and other public registers in respect of the lands and buildings of the Society, payment of taxes, rates, charges, etc. to Govt, and other authorities shall be made by the Secretary only in the name of the Society.
    4. The financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of succeeding year.
      1. Members of the Association shall be kept informed about its activities through circulars, newsletters and/or any other means considered appropriate by the Governing Body.
      2. The Life Membership/Membership Charge of the Association shall be decided by the Governing Body and may be amended from time to time
    5. No member or an employee of the Association shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Association incurred by his/her activities on behalf the Association. This shall not apply in respect of such action in which he/she is finally adjudged by suit or proceedings to have been derelict in the performance of his/her duty on behalf of the Association nor in respect of action resulting from willful disobedience of the law, bad faith or gross negligence.

  17. Members not to receive Profits:
    The funds and the properties of the Society, however, derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid/ transferred/distributed directly or indirectly whether by share or profit to the members of the Society. However, nothing herein contained shall prevent any payment made in good faith towards reasonable remuneration or reimbursement of travelling and other expenses incurred by any member of the Governing Body or employee of the Society for the purpose and business of the Society.

  18. Saving Clause:
    In respect of the matters not specially provided for in the Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations of the Society, the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 will apply.

  19. Desirous Persons:
    We, the undersigned are desirous of forming a Society namely IMSAR Alumni Association (IAA) under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957) as extended to state of Haryana in pursuance of the Memorandum of Association.

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