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IMSAR Alumni Meet held on 11-11-2010 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

IMSAR Day held on 27-09-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

The birthday of IMSAR was well celebrated in the time span of two days- 27th and 29th september, 2011. A total of seven academic events were there which were totally coordinated as well as organised by IMSAR students and its research scholars group. The events were like: Dumb Chrades, Ad-mad show, Virtual Stock Trading, extempore, Different Strokes, Mind Mapping games, Product label and designing. These prelim rounds of these events were done on 27th along with a cake cutting ceremony for IMSAR's 18th birthday. And the final rounds were done on 29th sept. The function was a great success as the students as well as the organizers learnt a lot from this two day event.

Teachers day held on 05-09-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

In the guidance of Dr. Jagdeep Singla, Dr. Divya Malhan, and Miss Harjeet Kour, the teachers day was well celebrated in the IMSAR. Many games were played by the teachers as well as the research scholars. A new blog in the name of was also launched by the students, in the guidance of Miss Harjeet Kour, which will be an informative blog for the students and others about IMSAR activities and notices. A column has been provided at this blog for alumni association also. this blog can be accessed by few of its members only. So, privacy issues have also been well tackled.

Blood donation camp held on 02-09-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

Under the guidance of Dr. Jagdeep Singla, a blood donation camp was organised in the IMSAR. Many teachers as well as students donated the blood.

Phan Phear (to be pronounced as fun fear) held on 16-04-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

This was an event organised by the students of MBA 5 year 7th semester under the guidance of Dr. Divya Malhan and Dr. Karmveer Shokend under the subject of event management. Many fun and fear related events just like golghappe eating, shooting competition etc. were organised.

A day with Special Sparks held on 11-04-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

This was an event organised by the students only for giving honour to the talent of mentally handicapped children of Rohtak. few cultural events were performed by these kinds of students. Their handmade products were also purchased by the students.

Make out of waste held on 30-03-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

This was an event organised by the students of MBA 5 year 7th semester under the guidance of Dr. Divya Malhan and Dr. Karmveer Shokend under the subject of event management. Best out of waste products was to be made by the participants.

National Conference held on 12-03-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

These are the pics of the national conference organised by Dr. H.J.Ghosh Roy in IMSAR on 12th mar, 2011. The topic of Conference was "Activity Based Learning in Professional Education".

Lohri festival held on 12-01-2011 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

The students of 2 year 2nd semester gave a surprise of Lohri celebration to the teachers as well as the director. The festival was celebrated in the traditional way.

Minutes of Annual General Body Meeting held on 14-11-2010 at IMSAR MDU, Rohtak

  • At the outset President of the Association Mr. Deepak Sehgal welcomed the Members.
  • Association paid homage to departed souls of Mr. Ravi Batt (80-82), Mr. Sudesh Jindal (83-85) and Shri H.C. Gulati father of Shri Surender Gulati (83-85) and observed two minute silence.
  • Dr. Raj kumar tabled the treasurer report for the year 2009-2010 which was approved by the house.
  • Dr. V.K. Kaushik informed the house on various activities undertaken by the association during the year.
  • While appreciating the efforts taken by Govt. body the house emphasized to initiate some more specific activities to strengthen the cause of association. In this regard, it was decided that the association will organize a conference preferably in Delhi keeping in view the objective of association. It was also resolved that an entrepreneurship cell be created in the association who will encourage the student of IMSAR by way of conducting workshop to promote entrepreneurial inspiration in the student.
  • As regard the review of constitution, house authorized the President to constitute a sub-committee to deliberate on the issues in detail and submit recommendation to governing body at the earliest.
  • The AGM also decided that the association will resume publication of Journal "IMSAR- GENESIS". Professor H.J. Ghosh Roy will act as chief editor of journal and he has been authorized to reconstitute the editorial board in consultation with president of association from the members of association
  • As per the constitution of association the election for governing body was due this year, however the house re-imposed the faith in the present governing body. The house further advised the president that various batches must be given due representation in the governing body.
  • Meeting ended with the vote of thanks.

V.K. Kaushik
Secretary, IMSAR Alumni Association (REGD)

Minutes of the general meeting held on 8 NOV. 2009 at IMSAR M.D. University, Rohtak on the occassion of Alumni Meet

The meeting of the General Body of the IMSAR Alumni Association (IAA) was started at 11.00 a.m. in conference hall of IMSAR. It was chaired by Mr. Deepak Sehgal, the president of the association. In his address, he thanked the members for giving unconditional support to association and providing strength to Alumni Movement. It was followed by the Account Report presented by the treasurer Dr. Raj Kumar. The House approved the expenditure incurred by the Executive Committee and further authorised the President to incur expenditure as deemed necessary in the interest of the Association's goals and engage service of individuals and/or organizations to further the objectives of Alumni Association.

The members appreciated the untiring effort made by the Executive Committee to strengthen IMSAR Alumni Association and making it one of the most active, vibrant and dynamic alumni associations of the country. Various members remembered the time when alumni of IMSAR almost lost the hope of building their Association in the backdrop of poor response during the Alumni Meet of 2005 and 2006 and the task of revival was bestowed upon the current Executive Committee in Nov. 2006. The house expressed deep sense of satisfaction as the Association has not only been registered under Registration of Societies Act but also has emerged stronger and met challenges successfully during last three years under the leadership of Sh. Deepak Sehgal and Dr. V.K.Kaushik. The House also expressed its gratitude to Director, IMSAR for extending support to the Association during this period and expected similar support in future, since one of the key objectives of the Association is to enrich its Alma Mater in all respect.

The Secretary, IIA informed the house about the steps taken by IIA to support the academic and co curricular activities of IMSAR and various actions taken to achieve the objectives of the Association. Prof. Ajay K. Rajan, Director, IMSAR explained the vision, mission and objectives of IMSAR Alumni Association and the role it can play to promote the interests of alumni and that of Alma Mater provided if it is guided by its vision and mission statements and channel its resources accordingly . The House endorsed it unanimously.

The following decisions were taken in the General Body Meeting:

  1. An Entrepreneurial Cell be created in IAA to inculcate entrepreneurial spirit among Imsarians and guide and support the activities of IMSAR Business Incubation Centre (IBIC). The President was authorised to constitute the Entrepreneurial Cell.
  2. The seed money worth Rs. 20000/- which was provided to set up IBIC in 2007 be converted into grant in aid. The house also decided to donate a sum of Rs. 25000/- this year to promote the activities if IBIC.
  3. It was unanimously resolved that only life members of IMSAR Alumni Association be accorded the voting rights in respect of electing the office bearers of the Association and any other decision which require voting.
  4. It was also resolved that amount of life membership be increased from Rs.5000/- to Rs. 10000/- with effect from next General Body Meeting.
  5. The Logo of IMSAR Alumni Association, designed by Mr. Neeraj Sehgal an alumnus of 1997 batch was approved by the house. The House also placed on record its appreciation acknowledging the contribution made by Mr. Neeraj Sehgal in giving a new look to Association's website i.e. and making it more relevant and contemporary.
  6. Mr. Sunil Kaul an alumnus of 1989 batch was appointed as Vic-president of the Association and Mr. Rakesh Jain was elevated as Senior Vice-president by creating new designation.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.

IMSAR, M.D. University, Rohtak (INDIA) Alumni Meet 2009

Calling every Alumnus and Alumna of IMSAR to come and spend a day soaked in nostalgia of yesteryears and beatitude of present on the 8th of November 2009 at IMSAR; to meet each other; to share your experiences; to broaden your horizons and to enjoy the regale.

Agenda of the Meeting

(scheduled to be held at Panjabi Bagh New Delhi on 08/06/08 at 11a.m)

  1. To appraise the members about the activities of association so far.
  2. To construct the various committee for further expansion the alumni activities.
  3. To decide the date of Annual General Body Meeting 2008.
  4. To decode about the plan for the next meet.
  5. A lecture on 'Six Sigma & Balance Score Card' by Mr. Deepak (1997 Batch)
Dr. V.K. Kaushik
Secretary, IMSAR Alumni Association
Minutes of the meeting of IMSAR Alumni Association held on 08/06/08 at Punjabi Bagh Club New Delhi
President of the Association preside the meeting. Dr Ajay Rajan welcomed the members and introduced the new members to the other members of the Association. He made the presentation on the actions of the association performed till date. House was informed that Second issue of Alumni Journal is going to release very soon. The house was unanimous that the name "Journal of Imsar Alumni Association" does not serve its objective and name should be changed. After a lot of brain storming it was unanimously resolved that journal should be printed with title "IMSAR GENSIS". Mr Amit Mittal editor of the journal has been entrusted the responsibility of getting it registered.

Since the activities of the association are increasing day by day the committee resolved the formation of subcommittees.
*Finance committee Dr Raj Kumar
Mr Sanjeev Dhawan
Mr Hement Lamba
*Seminar Workshop committee Dr Ajay Rajan
Dr O P Duhan
Mr Davinder Balian
*Electronic communication and update committee Mr Sudhir Jutsi
Ms Mehak
*Event Management Mr Arun Rathee
Ms Seema Julka
Mr J k Dhayia
Mr Pardeep Dhingra
Mr Sunil Koul
*Placement committee Mr Sanjeev Dhawan
Mr Pardeep Dhingra
Dr Raj Kumar
Dr Jagdeep Singla
To avoid confusion and to facilitate itinerary in advance by the alumni the house unanimously resolved the annual general body meet of the association will be held on second Sunday of November every year.

It was resolved that next monthly meeting for the month of July 08 shall be held at IMSAR on 13-07-08.

The house expressed the great sense of happiness and thanks the office bearer for arranging meeting at such a prestigious place. Meeting ended with vote thanks by Dr O P Duhan.
Dr. V.K. Kaushik
Secretary, IMSAR Alumni Association
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